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Maysami Sadr, M. (2024). 'A modification of Hardy-Littlewood maximal-function on Lie groups', AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 5(2), pp. 143-149. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2023.22259.1147
M. Maysami Sadr, "A modification of Hardy-Littlewood maximal-function on Lie groups," AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 5 2 (2024): 143-149, doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2023.22259.1147
Maysami Sadr, M. A modification of Hardy-Littlewood maximal-function on Lie groups. AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 2024; 5(2): 143-149. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2023.22259.1147