For a 1-$(v,k,\lambda)$ design $\mathcal{D}$ containing a point $x$, we study the set $I_x$, the intersection of all blocks of $\mathcal{D}$ containing $x$. We use the set $I_x$ together with the Key-Moori Method 2 to construct reduced designs invariant under some families of finite simple groups. We also show that there is a connection between reduced designs constructed by Method 2 and the new Moori Method 3.
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Saeidi, A. . "Reduced designs constructed by Key-Moori Method $2$ and their connection with Method $3$", AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 4, 1, 2023, 39-46. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2022.21378.1092
Saeidi, A. (2023). 'Reduced designs constructed by Key-Moori Method $2$ and their connection with Method $3$', AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 4(1), pp. 39-46. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2022.21378.1092
A. Saeidi, "Reduced designs constructed by Key-Moori Method $2$ and their connection with Method $3$," AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 4 1 (2023): 39-46, doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2022.21378.1092
Saeidi, A. Reduced designs constructed by Key-Moori Method $2$ and their connection with Method $3$. AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 2023; 4(1): 39-46. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2022.21378.1092