Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple graph. A dominating set of $G$ is a subset $D\subseteq V$ such that every vertex not in $D$ is adjacent to at least one vertex in $D$. The cardinality of a smallest dominating set of $G$, denoted by $\gamma(G)$, is the domination number of $G$. A dominating set $D$ is called co-even dominating set if the degree of vertex $v$ is even number for all $v\in V-D$. The cardinality of a smallest co-even dominating set of $G$, denoted by $\gamma _{coe}(G)$, is the co-even domination number of $G$. In this paper, we study co-even domination number of graphs which constructed by some operations on a vertex or an edge of a graph.
Ghanbari, N. , Alikhani, S. and Dehghanizadeh, M. Ali (2024). Co-even domination number of a modified graph by operations on a vertex or an edge. AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, (), -. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2024.22929.1204
Ghanbari, N. , , Alikhani, S. , and Dehghanizadeh, M. Ali. "Co-even domination number of a modified graph by operations on a vertex or an edge", AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, , , 2024, -. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2024.22929.1204
Ghanbari, N., Alikhani, S., Dehghanizadeh, M. Ali (2024). 'Co-even domination number of a modified graph by operations on a vertex or an edge', AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, (), pp. -. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2024.22929.1204
N. Ghanbari , S. Alikhani and M. Ali Dehghanizadeh, "Co-even domination number of a modified graph by operations on a vertex or an edge," AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, (2024): -, doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2024.22929.1204
Ghanbari, N., Alikhani, S., Dehghanizadeh, M. Ali Co-even domination number of a modified graph by operations on a vertex or an edge. AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, 2024; (): -. doi: 10.22060/ajmc.2024.22929.1204