[1] d. B. Mark, C. Otfried, v. K. Marc, and O. Mark, Computational geometry algorithms and applications, Spinger, 2008.
[2] J. O’Rourke, Open problems from CCCG 2017, in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2018, Winnipeg, Canada, 2018, Computer Science: Faculty Publications, Smith College, Northampton, MA, pp. 149–154.
[3] d. B. Mark, C. Otfried, v. K. Marc, and O. Mark, Computational geometry algorithms and applications, Spinger, 2008.
[4] [2] J. O’Rourke, Open problems from CCCG 2017, in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2018, Winnipeg, Canada, 2018, Computer Science: Faculty Publications, Smith College, Northampton, MA, pp. 149–154.